The Unstoppable Moms Club

Harnessing the Power of Community

Hello!  Today I am excited to share about something near and dear to my heart- being unstoppable. Life is a crazy whirlwind, sometimes we’re up, sometimes we’re down. To me, the beauty is in being unstoppable amidst whatever life throws at you.

I’ve spent decades researching happiness, well-being, communication and more in order to find any secrets, shortcuts and/or research that will enable me to live my best life (even when things go mad) and inspire others to do the same.

According to Oxford Languages, unstoppable means “impossible to stop or prevent.” The example it uses is an “unstoppable army.” In my opinion, mom tribes are 100% “unstoppable armies”! Individually moms are strong, but combined we are unstoppable! That is why I am so excited to kick off my Unstoppable Moms Club and help curate a community of amazing moms around the world!

Being a mom is an amazing and crazy experience. We are pulled in so many directions and sometimes it’s hard to know what to do next. It’s easy to get caught up reacting to life rather than actively creating it. Life happens and we are brought face-to-face to some pretty big roadblocks. (I’m talking to you Pandemic and virtual/homeschool!) But one of my favorite aspects of being a mom, is our unbreakable spirit and buoyancy. We have an innate spirit that motivates us to rise to the challenge, if not for ourselves, then at least for our kids.

Our kids are these massive motivational forces (well, forces for sure). They give us the underlying strength to push through tough times. When we tap into our mom tribes in combination with our mama bear intentions, we strike gold. That is what the Unstoppable Moms Club is all about!

And that’s why I am starting the Unstoppable Moms Club. Individually we are strong and able to rise to help our kids, selves, families and friends, but when we team up, look out world! The power of moms combined is one of the most gorgeous tapestries of life! From creating massive meal trains, to fundraising, to community projects, to corporate engagements, even just to the beauty and power of friendships and connection- when moms unite, we change the world.

So, beginning today I am kicking off my Unstoppable Moms Club in three ways. First, I am announcing it here on my blog and social media. Second, I am hosting my first Instagram Live Unstoppable Moms Club Spotlight Series featuring Lisa McCabe, an unstoppable mom. Lastly, I am hosting a room on Clubhouse tonight at 8pm PST to help connect and empower unstoppable moms! So, if you know an unstoppable mom that I need to interview or if you’d like to be interviewed (because we are all unstoppable moms!) then please reach out!

In the meantime, thank you for all that you do for your family and friends. You are an inspiration. I hope you are giving yourself a pat on the back right now, or at least smiling on the inside. As unstoppable moms, we often don’t take the time to give ourselves enough credit for what we’re actually up to, so please make sure to pause and give yourself some props!

I look forward to connecting! And can’t wait to see what we can create together. XOXO


PS- You can find me @lauramhaver on Instagram & Clubhouse.

[Photo by Melissa Askew on Unsplash]