As I was braking my way down a BIG hill yesterday afternoon on a bike ride with my son, the idea of the need for speed (or my need for less speed!) wouldn’t get out of my mind! My son raced on, while I gripped the brakes a bit and it got me thinking,...
A Mom’s -NEW- Guide to Being Strong
As moms, we are under a lot of pressure and wear a lot of hats. You already know what I think about balance (that it is a misleading lie and that you should embrace seasons instead- see this blog post). Now I want to dive into what it means to be “strong” in hopes...
Getting Off Track…
I started this blog excited to be pursuing my creative urge to write, study, photograph, and share. I still am excited about it, but life keeps getting in the way and I haven’t been able to post as often as I would’ve liked. I know that we all only have 24 hours a day....
New Beginnings
A few months ago I read a book by one of my favorite authors, Leeanna Tankersley. I saw her speak many years ago at a Writer’s Conference I attended and when she appeared again years later at my MOPS (Mothers of Preschool Children) group, I truly enjoyed listening to her stories and soaking in...