
Praise for Laura's Coaching


selective focus photo of pink petaled flowers“I am a wife, mom of 3, an artist, podcaster, and writer. I contacted Laura as I had a desire to begin a journey as a writer. I knew Laura was an excellent thought partner and had been on this journey herself. While I had been writing blogs already for some time I was clueless about how to begin writing a book and even more clueless about the publishing world. I reached out to Laura about some of the things I had been dreaming about and it became very clear that I could benefit from having a coach to guide me, give me practical advice and direction and help me get out of my own way.

 Laura is so kind and gentle and was able to provide actionable steps but let me set the pace and trajectory. I felt so supported by her and like I had a cheerleader at every step. Practically speaking I have nearly finished my book but more importantly we worked on understanding the type of person I wanted to be during and after this process. I never wanted to be the type of person that let everything else fall by the wayside while I created. I always wanted to simultaneously hold who I was and what I did and not let my work overshadow who I was or who I was becoming but to have each inform the other. Laura helped me to see how that could be done.

 I was finally brave enough to call myself a writer, I felt/feel much more confident in navigating the publishing world, and I feel like my writing (and creativity) is much more balanced with the rest of my life. My biggest area of growth was understanding that writing is much less about what you produce and more about the person you get to become as you are writing.”

Possibility: Braided Joy (living joyfully across different areas of life). Results: Nearly complete manuscript, new direction in career and a new level of peace in relationships.


“Being a mom is hard.  While it’s rewarding, it sometimes takes more than I’m able to give.  At one point I realized I put so much into being a mom that I had lost passion for much of anything else in my life. It was affecting everything from my career to my marriage and my ability to parent.  That’s when I started working with Laura Haver.

Laura helped me identify my values and new possibilities.  With her coaching I created a vision of rhythmic bliss to get myself, my family and my goals back in alignment.  Laura has helped me take a hard look at what I want and what is holding me back.  I’m more motivated to reach goals because I am taking the time to learn how it feels in my body and how my self-talk and visions limit me.

One of my favorite things about Laura is the contagious energy and enthusiasm she brings.  She is observant and reflective.  She holds space for me to do the work I need to do.  She focuses on continuous improvement with a playful spirit.  Now that I’ve found my rhythmic bliss, I’m ready for new possibilities.  I’m thankful for our latest work and my new vision of unstoppable light.”

Possibilities = Rhythmic Bliss + Unstoppable Light. Results = Published two books


“I began coaching with Laura 6 months ago. I was floundering, confused and stuck. I cannot overstate how much growth I have seen in that short amount of time.

Laura helped me identify my stuck beliefs, pinpoint my priorities and create a plan to move forward towards my goals.

I am now actively working towards financial freedom, charging clients what I’m worth and booking new clients regularly – all because Laura helped me gain clarity and untangle the confusion I was stuck in!”

Possibility = Financial Freedom. Results = Quadrupled her income


“I have to be honest and say that I didn’t know what to expect from a session with a life coach. I was a bit skeptical and thinking to myself, “How could anyone figure out my complicated issues in a short time?” Well Laura is just that good.

Through asking a series of questions, she got right to the heart of where I was stuck. I didn’t even know I was stuck there, but she found it and we talked about ways of moving forward through action.

She helped me with the clarity I needed, and now I am on a whole new path towards a career that makes my heart happy. Call Laura! You’ll thank yourself for this gift that you gave to YOU. A big thank you again!”
Possibility = Clarity. Result = Created New Career


“Laura was excellent at building rapport, helping me to feel comfortable with the process she was going to take me through. Laura was able to cut through my objections and excuses and uncover the issue and support me with ideas on how to best move forward. She is amazing.”

Possibility = Adventure. Result= More time, energy and passion in life

Ready to bring some magic to your life?

Intrigued by what you see and want a taste for yourself? Book a complimentary Discovery Session to learn more and see if we are a good match.

Praise for Laura's Energy Clearing Sessions


“I had lower back pain for over a year when I had my first session with Laura. Within 5 minutes, it was gone. Laura has taught me to be curious about the sensations my body presents, instead of being fearful. This has allowed me to let go of past trauma and learn how to listen to my body in ways I never thought possible. I can honestly say working with Laura has changed my life.”


“Working with Laura brings clarity and peace to me during trying times. She has a gentle energy that she brings to each session and that has allowed me to feel comfortable and safe with her. I have experienced several “aha moments” in our sessions and have been able to release old, stuck energy and live more freely in the present.”


Laura is deeply intuitive and caring. I left our session feeling more relaxed, yet energized. I felt a release from heaviness that I’ve been carrying. I appreciate how Laura customizes each session to my individual needs and I look forward to working with her again.


Praise for Laura's Speaking


“Do you need a reminder to enjoy your life, your work your friends and family? Laura is a bright light in the world of play and the power it contains to transform how you live. We loved working with her at the Playposium 2024 and consider her a friend in colleague in our work to bring joy back into the classroom and beyond.”

-David Thomas, PhD, co-founder Professors at Play and Playposium Organizer


“Laura came and spoke to our MOPS group and she was an absolute delight. We love that she came to us as a former MOPS mama herself. She taught us all how to tune into where we are today and show up for our kiddos. We all felt reinspired to play and have a little levity in our hearts.”

-Karisa Macias, Speaker Coordinator

“The University of San Diego Character and Athletics class came alive last night as Laura Haver shared her love of life and play. Her personal stories as a student athlete resonated deeply, and a few games from her recent book, Play Together, had us thinking, playing and having fun. We’re grateful for her heartfelt advice and willingness to share her wisdom and joy with us.”

– CJ Moloney, University of San Diego Professor

“We loved having Laura Haver speak and celebrate the release of her book, Play Together: Games & Activities for the Whole Family to Boost Creativity, Connection & Mindfulness, at the bookstore! Laura is so creative and is full of wonderful ideas to help families connect. I have never seen so many kids in the store having fun playing together and with their families. If you have ever wanted to spend more meaningful time as a family and have tons of fun at the same time, then make sure to book Laura and pick up a copy of Play Together.”

-Mary, Event Coordinator 

“Laura Haver is not only an outstanding speaker, but she’s an outstanding human. She wow’d the audience at Playposium LA with her authenticity, energy, and expertise in the field of play.”

-Kiersten Hathcock, Chief Marketing Officer, Moonshot and Playposium Sponsor

“We loved Laura’s presentation and look forward to working with her again soon. She demonstrated an outstanding commitment to the advancement to emotional intelligence, education innovation and support at our Equip to Achieve EQ Summit. The audience especially enjoyed her tips on incorporating the power of play for kids and adults.”

– Alicia, Equip to Achieve Summit Organizer

“Laura was a hit! She was very attentive to our group & she did a great job interacting with the ladies. As busy moms, we can sometimes forget how impactful play time with our kids can be. Laura’s Play Together workshop brought fresh & simple ideas and explained the importance of playing together as a family. Laura had us participate in a few games that were thought-provoking, playful and just fun!!”

-Tona Kelley, Speaker Coordinator